Launch Foods is a charity, based at Skypark, that provides free meals to feed Glasgow’s primary school children that need it most.
Launch Foods is appealing to the Skypark community to volunteer just a few hours of their time to help them continue their work. They are looking for one or two volunteers a day – there are some dates still to be filled this year and the rota for January to April is now being booked.
The term time shift is 12-4pm. If you can spare some time to help, please get in touch with Denise.
The meeting point is the Launch Foods unit on the ground floor of Skypark 5 (by the rear door entrance). You will be transported to the school and return back to Skypark. You will be helping wrap the food for transporting to the school, handing out the food to the children from the Launch truck and then back to Skypark to help clear up.
The Launch Food truck is providing in excess of 300 meals a day to primary school children, operating all year. As well as providing for children during term time, Launch Foods works alongside Achieve More during school holidays to provide children with their lunches.
Craig Johnson who runs Launch, said: “We’ve achieved a lot in 38 weeks thanks to Hermes Investment Management at Skypark for our donated unit, alongside support from Brakes Group, Simon Howie Foods, Highland Spring, Braehead Foods, SEC and IKEA. They are all helping to feed Glasgow’s children.
“Every day hunger is a massive issue for children and families in many areas of Glasgow. Launch sets out to solve the issue of food surplus going to waste, throughout the year including school holidays to try to plug the gap. Every day, children spend their evenings hungry without a proper meal and the situation gets worse over summer with the absence of school meals. Meanwhile, food producers throw away surplus food and now we’re connecting the two working with big brands to change this.”
Surplus food is obtained from food suppliers from which Launch creates a menu of delicious treats that children love. Scottish children were consulted on the types of food they would like to eat and all food on the menu is healthy, packed with (sneakily hidden) vegetables, and is low in fat and salt. Launch makes healthy ketchup and all of the packaging is compostable and biodegradable.
Find out more about Launch Foods HERE.