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Clyde Art Group Exhibition

Four members of the Clyde Art Group are exhibiting their work in the reception gallery in Skypark 1 throughout February and March. This art group, many of whom have studied with Sandy Grant of ‘Art Classes in the Botanics’, comes together throughout the year at various classes and workshops with the aim of supporting and encouraging each other in their artistic endeavours. Passionate about painting and drawing, they enjoy the rapport and helpful criticism that working informally alongside each other provides. This exhibition comprises works ranging from expressive portraiture, to expansive landscapes and explorations of the natural world, utilising a diverse range of mediums, from traditional (oils, oil pastels, acrylic, watercolour and mixed media) to digital art. 

All artwork is for sale, contact the group for more information.

The artists presenting are: 

Frances Clark 
I work in oils and concentrate on portraits and landscapes. In my landscapes I enjoy capturing something of the stillness, beauty and turbulence of nature. In my portraits, whether formal or expressive, I seek to catch something of the inner life of the person. I enjoy using colour in both subtle and vivid ways in all my works. 

Grizelda Chang I enjoy using different mediums to express the forms and colours of the plant life I cultivate in my garden and see in the countryside of South Lanarkshire where I live.

Susan Norton 
I am an enthusiastic amateur artist working in the Glasgow area. I enjoy working in oils and acrylics but currently my interest is in developing my use of mixed media. I aim to create free and expressive pieces which are responsive to the environment, in order to capture the essence of what I am seeing.

Jennifer (exhibiting as Valkara) 
Since joining Sandy Grants ‘Art Classes in the Botanics’ I’ve been experimenting with the use of different mediums; from oil paints to chalk and charcoal, and lately, exploring the boundaries of digital art. Using a blend of photorealism and vivid colour, my art draws you into the natural world, inviting you to explore our place within it, and to see it through an animal’s eyes. 

Image: Precipice by Valkara