One young person who knows how vital it is to give blood is Hannah Russell, aged 20, from Glasgow. Hannah has a rare haemolytic blood disorder which has affected her family for generations, and this past winter, she’s required four life-saving blood transfusions.
Hannah said: ‘Blood transfusions have not only saved my life but also allow me to live a normal life. I can work, socialise, and enjoy life like any other 20-year-old, thanks to the incredible donors. My Mum, Granny, and Great-Papa have all benefited from blood transfusions. The work that donors and the service do is incredibly special to me and my family.’
Please save the date: Tuesday 21st January for the Blood Donation Team coming to Skypark. Why not make space in your work diary that day and help save a life? If you haven’t donated before, registration and booking is simple. Head to the events diary on our app, and fill in the email form to register and book your spot.